13 de agosto de 2009


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¿Quien no conoce el famoso cuento del soldadito de plomo?. En el año 1965, el poeta y cantautor escocés Donovan, compuso una preciosa canción, inspirada en esta bonita historia de Hans Christian Andersen. El tema fué incluído en su segundo álbum titulado “Fairytale” (cuento de hadas). Es una balada que destaca por su sencillez, en la que Donovan nos deleita y emociona con su estupenda voz de trovador, acompañado tan solo por los acordes de su inseparable guitarra. “Little tin soldier” es para mi una de las mejores canciones de su primera etapa folck. En posteriores años, sus composiciones se harían mas complejas, entrando en una etapa psicodélica, mas acorde a las tendencias musicales de finales de los sesenta.

Once in a town in the black forest a little white toy-shop stood.
And the little tin soldier with only one leg lived in a castle of wood.
And across the room on another shelf stood a little glass case,
And a tiny ballerina lived in there all in her dress of lace.
And from where the little tin soldier stood they could see each other so clear
And the little tin soldier watched over her with a love that was so dear.
Then one day sadness came: the tiny ballerina was sold.
The little tin soldier was thrown away and into the gutter he rolled.
The water carried him to the sea and many far-off lands.
He made many children happy as he passed through their tiny hands.
And then one day they met again in a house in the land of Eire
And when the clocks on the wall struck the midnight hour
They jumped into a fire
And in that fire they shall stay
Forever in the day.
For the fire, Lord, is the fire of love,
Just like the peaceful dove.

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